The focus this week has been clearly on logos. It's been really useful for me. I've not done much logo design in the past - just a couple of mess arounds for bands I've been in - so looking at some of the fundamental elements of logo design has enabled me to develop my understanding of how logos function effectively. I also feel that I'm now in a better position to get on with the logo design for 'Emit'.
It did, however become clear during the first lecture we had on Monday that many of the logo examples I had collected over Easter are very much 'high tech' logos, using a lot of 3D effects, tints, and metallic effects. I therefore need to make a point of collecting some other logos which do not employ there effects.
So far my initial logo designs are coming along OK, I'm happy with a few, unhappy with a few, and a lot are average. I'll scan some in later on tonight and upload them so you can let me know what you think!
EDIT: here they are...

Having decided to go for the optional larger assignment, I'm feeling that there's going to be a lot of work to do over the next seven weeks or so. I'm really looking forward to it though, as I feel that the developing a corporate identity should be quite interesting, and will be a good experience for the future.
On Monday afternoon, we were joined by Jonny Haynes, a former student who now works at Technophobia. This was another opportunity presented to us to gain information on how the web design business works in practice. I really wish I'd asked some questions that I didn't, but I felt a bit annoyed after my driving test, and found myself in the wrong frame of mind. Hopefully, the next time this kind of opportunity comes up, I'll be in a better situation and won't waste the time given.
Its good to see that you have designed lots of different logos.
I think its a good idea that we have to collect different logos for inspiration in are sketch books as when were unsure what ideas to do for the Emit logo we can look back at the ones we have collected for ideas.
Sorry to hear about your driving test there Tom, Maybe next time you will astonish the instructor, or there is the option of calling in a favour from shaun, ha!.
Luckily this new term has come with a more awake JB. Over the last few weeks I've been gettin up farely early as it is so there seems to be no problem there.
I like your approach to the assignment so far, and the dact that you chose to take on the multiple task assignment. I chose the firts option as a sort of fail safe action incase other assignments creep up on me with refferals. But since you have not come across those dreadfull times, I see no problem as to why you wouldn't gain some pretty high marks in the up coming weeks.
Like you I have chosen the extended assignment and creating the complete corporate identity for the business was one of the main reason for this.
I felt that this would provide me with more experience due to variety and depth of the tasks.
Of the logos you have created my favourites are 1 and 2.
I should really stop sitting next to you! As with Tuesday's task you seem to have alot that looks like mine. ;)
I have to agree with the antisipation of creating the corp id. I think it would be a good idea to do one before every project or be given one. I think it will be more challenging to do designs which stick to something so strict.
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