Obviously I've done mind maps before, but never in this kind of way to gather inspiration from a source such as music. Normally I listen to music as music, and as a musician I'm thinking about the technicalities and rhythm, etc., not the emotions and thoughts expressed through the music. Having to do this took some time, but I think listening to a type of music that I don't normally associate with very much assisted in this. In the end, I ending up getting quite a lot of ideas from the music, and began to establish some quite interesting interpretations.
Writing the review yesterday also helped in forming these interpretations, as it helped me develop and express the feelings in writing... something I always find useful when articulating myself.
Today's mood boards helped, as adding imagery to my interpretation has begun to give me ideas for some elements of the designs which will come over the next couple of months. I did one mood board for every two tracks, so some of them are quite mixed in what they represent. Here's my mood board for the first two tracks... not very well organised or nicely presented, but I decided the random inclusion of different aspects was the was to go.

Collecting the logos over the past couple of days has been useful, as I've noticed a few things that seem to come up in logo design repeatedly. I'll bear these things in mind in the future when considering any logo designs I may do. Of course, the problem with this is the things that set logos apart in many ways is their individuality, and hence it might be worthwhile to just forget these things, and start with a blank canvas. Any thoughts?
I've found looking at the word 'emit' today slightly trickier, as it's difficult to get a mass of inspiration from one word. I've also been in a bit of a difficult mood today, and I've struggled to settle in the same kind of rhythm I was in yesterday. I'll probably come back to this for a while later in the week to spend a bit more time thinking about it. I think it'll be worth it to do this in the long run.
Hey Tom,
Just wanted to point you to this forum, where people are discussing some work you've done?
Check the third post down. What do you think?
Having read through that entire thread to get even the slightest clue what you're talking about, I can say that I have no idea what you're talking about!
Seems weird to me, and it's definitely nothing to do with me- freaks me out that my name's been linked with it somehow! There are plenty of Thomas Smiths around though. Could be anybody.
Yeah, I guess so, must be a few Thomas Smith's around.
Just wanted to check to see if it was you...
Being in a difficult mood must be related to our star signs. I often experience such events, lacking focus and interest. I find leaving something alone for a while and coming back to it the only solution. The mood board is coming together well, have you managed to do any others yet?
Finding the logos where useful as you are able to see what you do and dont like in the logos. This will help when we have to design logos as we will be able to produce a logo that we like as we will be able to look back at are inspiration for ideas.
Yes, its been quite different. But that’s not a bad thing. I don’t think we will doing the same thing in industry every day. Variety is the spice of life and all that!
It was a useful week as most of us have been somewhat neglecting the A1 project.
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