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Moving on from Logos...(!)
Over the past week, I have felt a sense of relief, in that I feel I've got quite a bit done and I feel as though I have got back on track with the assignment. I was beginning to struggle with the logo design a bit, and it seemed as though I'd never get that done before the deadline. This was without thinking about the rest of the assignment. However, I managed to get the logo complete, and I'm very happy with the result. I've changed the colour from my last post, as it was pointed out that the yellow was a bit bright for the music, and the earthy brown didn't really reflect the nature of the music either. Here is my final design:
Having completed the logo design, I've been able to get on with the corporate style guide aspect of the assignment. I've been enjoying this, and feel as though I've completed the work so far to a good standard. Next in line is to begin the design of the letterhead, business card and envelope to complete the corporate identity elements of the assignment.
To be honest, I'm not looking forward to moving onto developing the CD artwork over the next couple of weeks. This comes back to the whole Artist vs. Designer argument. I think of myself as a designer, and looking around at CD artwork a lot of it does seem much more 'art' orientated than 'design' orientated. I feel as though my creativity (or lack of) may restrict my final product. Then again, I've not really started to develop any of my original concepts yet, so this may not end up being the case.
I was really appreciative last week of the amount of feedback that happened on the Journals. I think this was the first time that it has been as effective as it can be. It was good to see posts added later in the week being commented on as well, with the help of a few emails. Feedback is a key skill to develop - both giving and receiving it - and so it was really good to see it being used as it was last week.
Is the blue version your final logo? I personally think one of your black and white ones in your previous posts are stronger and a bit more suitable.
The blue is the final colour logo, as the blue is the corporate colour. The black and white ones are also included in the corporate style guide as alternatives depending on the use/circumstances e.g. if colour ink isn't available.
The final colour scheme that you have chosen, I prefer from the other colour schemes. I think it makes the logo stand out without it been too in your face.
For the CD cover designs look at a range of different CD covers that other bands/artists have used. Web sites like Amazon break the music into categories, for example you can just look at ambient music CD covers.
Hi Tom
Although I like your Finalised logo, I also agree with Craig, the black and white one seems to stand out more and draw the attention of the eye.
Other than that I think the logo would work well, it works in black and white fine with the blue which shows that it would work well with fax and b&w monitors.
Thanks, Martyn
I do like the colour scheme you've chosen for you branding / corporate identity, though I can't help but feeling like it's abit generic. Instead of really conveying what the record label is about; does it really say ambient to you? Though I think alot of things like that are up to personal preference of how they interpret the colours.
I think the subtle shade lighter blue works well to highlight the logo abit more. Really producing some nice work here son, keep up the good effort.
I really like the colour scheme that you have picked for your logo. Its really eye catching and bold so that it is easly to notice.
I think most of us are glad to get away from the whole logo thing. It has been a stressful 2n a bit weeks.
I too am currently on with the mammoth job of the corporate style guide. I am quite enjoying it though.
I was just looking back on your comments from your previous two posts and I'm sure 2 of my comments are missing, I know I did comment as you left one on journal saying your needed some feedback. Strange.
I can't help feeling that most of the feedback and useful comments only come when there is something visual for the rest of the group to look at. Perhaps it would be better if we always put some kind of image, weather it is personal work or inspirational work up we would get somewhat of a better response.
I'm not really looking forward to the artwork tasks. It seems a very big job and there are so many possibilities it is worrying me slightly actually. I don't think I will be able to come up with anything spectacular as it is the first time I have done anything like this.
Tom, I have got to hand it to you. You have done a good job with this logo despite its initial appearances. What colour can be associated with ambient? Surely if colours creates a feeling of calm or relaxation it is ambient. I feel the blue is the right colour, but is it calming enough? Saying that all design is subject to personal interpretation and subjective opinions.
Hi Tom,
Out of the logo's that I have seen so far (from this assignment) yours is certainly my favourite. The new colour scheme works well; I can imagine that it looks great on pre-printed stationery, etc.
The black version does have a certain presence about it but I do feel that you have gone the right way with this.
Shaun Bellis
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