Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Half Term... and Glad!

This weeks post may not be as long as the others, as it's half term and not a lot of assignment-related work has been going on!

I've set this week aside as a real time for rest and re-cooperation. I've found myself really, really tired this week, and I think it's been die to all the unforeseen stress I experienced during the first assignment.

Having said that the week has been for rest, I have spent a few hours messing around with XHTML, and I think I'm beginning to get to grips with the basics... although the more complicated stuff still has work needing to be done on it to improve. As for CSS, I think that it might be later in the week before I get onto having a play with that, if I'm lucky!

This week I've also had a chance to step back and think abut how I think the course is going for me, on a more personal level. Again, as I mentioned in previous posts, I'm beginning to feel that this really is the course for me at this point in my life. This, I can tell you, is really encouraging for me... I've really struggled to find a sense of direction in my life in the past!


Julian Dyer said...

It is good to hear that you are settling into the course already, Tom. The first assignment is usually quite draining, as adjusting to the new level of education is always tough at the start of a course.

You may find it easier with the next assignments, as with two running at once it forces you to do a task once – and do it right first time.

Picking a career path is one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever have to make. I’ve also found it hard to pick a direction in the past, which made for some wrong course choices and a lot of wasted time.

The best thing about this course it that it teaches you what you need to know – both in soft skills and technical knowledge. A lot of uni courses don’t, and that’s why people usually end up working in a call centre or something similar once they have left.

If you really enjoy the course it’ll show through in your work – just like it did for me in the second semester of last year.

Andrew said...

I'm glad to see that your playing around with XHTML, knowing the technical side is always a great help before this assignment. I wouldn't worry too much about CSS yet, until you've mastered XHTML abit and played with it for longer; it's quite a complicated code, ask Shaun.

I think everyones settled onto the course quite well, socially anyway. We're in an easy comfortable enviroment in class, everyone is friendly and gets on well; it helps alot.

Suzanne Hullah said...

I think that also for the first time in my life I'm at a point in my life where I can see the general direction that I'm heading in. My most important factor throughout all of this will obviously be my daughter, this course is part of her future.

Good to hear that you're tackling the coding side of things in your spare time, it will give you an advantage when we have to research it and then implement it in our next assignment!

Rebecca Bradley said...

Thank you for your comment.

Yes am sure that if I need any help on the task next week I will ask you or the others for help.
Glad to here that you are looking at researching in the holidays am sure this will come in very handy.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hey Everyone

I am trying to drum up some interest in my most recent journal entry.

The focus of this is the third paragraph and Steve's comments regarding it.

I would really appreciate it if people could leave a comment showing how they feel about the situation and any possible solutions.


Thank you for your time and support

Shaun Bellis.

Liam Corfield said...

i feel the same way about the couse now, half way throgh the first assignment i did have some minor doubts (the time management was rather tricky to get to grips with) but i managed to overcome them.

Gary Benn said...

Glad to hear that your happy on the course. I had my doubts when I started as last year I was upstairs doing art and photography. Photography was ok. But I Hated the Foundation art!

When I enrolled on this course before I started I had butterflies, thinking maybe I didn't like the art course as I was not wanting to be in education any longer. But I was happily surprised to find i'm liking it. I think it's cos i'm more in touch with my computer knowledge again, which I always liked.

James Bell said...

I found that a great way of learning XHTML and CSS is by planning and creating a website for your portfolio site.

This helped as it gave me a real example of putting together a website that complied to the standards instead of just looking at pages and pages of research and rules.

Don't forget about the XHTML and CSS validation tools on the w3c website.