Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Fade to Black

This week has been quite interesting actually. Over the weekend I wasn't looking forward to having to get stuck back into some work... I think I slipped slightly into lazy mode during half term! However, Monday morning came and the task was revealed. At first I was a bit surprised to find I had to do a presentation all about the colour black, but in retrospect, it's been really interesting and a good task to do.

Firstly was the research. I spent pretty much six and a half hours on Monday just reading on the web about black, as well as the theories behind colour psychology. Having done Psychology at AS Level, I already had some knowledge and grounding with this, as well as an existing interest. This definitely helped with my preparations for next weeks presentation.

I've almost got my presentation done now, just need to practice it a few times and make sure I know the structure, etc. like the back of my hand. Not that I know the back of my hand that well...

I guess I didn't realise colours mattered as much as they do prior to this task, and my eyes have, in many ways, been opened. I suppose, in my ever-cynical view on life, I take the opinion that maybe the importance of certain things are over-analysed, and I think this may be one of those cases. Colours can be important, but more often than not, I think that they are just simply colours. I don't know what others think about this... let me know.

I've got my hosting sorted this week, so I expect I'll be providing you all with a new e-mail address soon enough, but I'll wait until I see you to do that. My domain name is www.tp-smith.co.uk, not much up there at the moment, but I thought I'd let you know for future reference. I decided to go with John for my hosting- it really did seem like the best option at this time- not just in price, but also what is provided. I think it's a brilliant deal!

I've also printed off the assignment sheets for the next two assignments. 'Back to Basic' looks quite interesting, but I have to admit, on first reading of 'Image Rights', I felt quite nervous about it. It seems to be quite a challenging assignment. I'm definitely going to have to re-read it a few times and come up with some questions about it. Hopefully this'll help me get my mind together and add to my comprehension of what the assignment will want from me.


Michelle Bonfield said...

Just a comment on your discussion about the over-analysis of colours.

I can see where you are coming from and this may be prominent in society because of the lack of awareness behind many designs. But I strongly feel that as a designer it is important we understand and can apply the principles of design in order to effectively communicate.

By understanding and using colour effectively we can communicate extra information effortlessly to the consumer. This information may be consciously or unconsciously understood. Either way it is considered and can be justified, just as every element of the design it should serve a purpose.

Equally, we must be aware colour symbolism has huge cultural variations. Especially as web designers and the global market we face. Failure to recognise and respond to this could have huge implications in successfully creating websites for the target market and may ultimately result in losing business.

Thomas Wealthy said...

I am also looking forward to the next tasks I have read both of the assignments and commented on them in my previous blog entry.

I also think that it will be another good learning curve for us and am looking forward to the assignments! Might not be saying that in the next few weeks!

Julian Dyer said...

Knowing the order of your presentation well will help you to lead from one slide into another. If you don’t know the order, you just end up reacting to what you see on the whiteboard in front of you, then you end up having to think on your feet.

I find it quite monotonous doing this, but it pays dividends when you’re up there in the glare of the projector.

Now that you have a greater awareness of colour, you can start adding it to the annotation you do on inspirational pieces. I usually have a section dedicated to describing the colours and what feel they give to the design, as well as how appropriate it is for the target audience.

James Bell said...

The next two assignments look really interesting and I am looking forward to them but like you I also feeling nervous about the A4 Image Rights assignment.

Another thing I am worried about is that I will end up spending a lot more time on the more creative tasks in the A4 assignment and neglect the A3 Back to Basics assignment.

Anonymous said...

Date stamp and time zone test.

Anonymous said...

Date stamp and time zone test.

Rebecca Bradley said...

Thank you for your comment. Glad to know that my blog helpped you get your confidence back. Its great that you already know lots about the colour as you have already studyed this before.

Hope your presentation goes well on Monday.

John Browne said...

I agree, the effect of colours didn't occur to me before and it supirises me that a colour can have such effects on some viewers.

On the lazy note, I was also similar to you in that area. On the sunday night I was so releaved by hitting the pillow, I didn't want to be woken up for anything. But of course I just happend to wake up before my alarm.

The task did come as quite a suprise because at first I thought, how am I going to create a presentation about the colour purple. But it is an absolute eye opener to how much information there is on the internet regarding each colour...