Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Deadline Day... Done and Dusted!

Today was the first deadline on the course, and I feel good that it's finally out of the way! As you can see from my previous posts, the assignment hasn't passed without problems, and I'm massively thankful and happy for the deadline to now have passed and the assignment to be handed in.

I was surprised at how relaxed I was around the deadline... if I was asked last week, I would have said that I'd be working right up until the last hour or so before the cut off point for handing in. In fact, all I had to do on the morning of the deadline was print off a few pages (that I couldn't at home) and put them in plastic wallets. By being prepared in advance, I think it enabled me to be much calmer around the deadline, and I had plenty of time to proof read and make any last minute amendments. Next time, though, I might make sure I can print the colour pages off at home... 20p a page can make it's impression on the pocket!

Over the last seven weeks, I think my knowledge of web design has evolved massively, particularly, I think, in terms of theoretical aspects such as accessibility. I've found looking into things like this really interesting, which is brilliant, as I've never found myself doing academic research into things I'm interested in before. At times I've ended up reading more than I had to. Having this feeling has made me begin to think that this really is the right course for me at this point.

Throughout the assignment, I think one area I've definitely improved in is the time management. At first, I found this difficult to do, but over the past few weeks I've found myself planning and recording my time much more efficiently. I'm also beginning to see that this has really helped the way I work. My recording of time is a lot better than my planning at the moment, so I've decided to assign this as a target to work on for the future.

Over the half term break and reading week, I've decided that, in addition to the work Steve sets, I'm going to spend a bit of time 'messing about' with HTML, and maybe a bit of CSS. I'm not massively familiar with these at the moment, and I think it's about time I set some time aside to deal with this. Now I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge of this area, and I'll let you know how it goes.


John Browne said...

I had a very simular problem with the time planning. At first i just kept forgetting and began to go through each task in the assignment. It wasn't till around 2 - 3 weeks before the deadline that I actually picked up on this despite the constant reminders from Steve.

And speaking of the colour printing. Make sure you triple check everything on the page before beggining your walk up to the library or you may find that the printing will manage to take a lot more from your pocket. I have experience!!!!

James Bell said...

I know what you mean about been relaxed towards the end of the deadline I was also very surprised to find myself in that situation.

I also think that it is always a great way to learn something new, such as html or css, by just messing around with it and seeing how it works.

James Bell said...

sorry on the first line 'been' is supposed to be 'being'

Gary Benn said...

I had the problem of getting it wrong all the time and having to re-print. However I am a perfectionist. Once I see an error I have to change it and re-print it. I always forget to check the rest for errors because the first error I come to always bugs me to death!

But yes, if I were you, I would print at home too! 3p black and what and 20p colour

all those 3Ps add up. I have used already about £10.

THREE PENCE! Can you believe it?

Mark Torrington said...

Thank you for wishing me good luck.

I am in the process of learning xhtml: http://webdesign.about.com/library/beginning/bl_htmlclassweek1.htm

You might find this link useful.

Suzanne Hullah said...

Like you and some of the class, my main weakness was time planning too. At the beginning I was planning my tasks precisely enough and found that some tasks too 6-7 hours to complete. This is something I need to refine on the next assignments and something I'm sure we can all improve in time.

Julian Dyer said...

It’s good to see that you had everything ready to hand in on deadline day, Tom. I know that I get a nice smug feeling when I come into college knowing that all the work is done, while there are others frantically running round the room trying to get their assignment together. This is something you should aim to repeat for every other assignment, as it makes it completely stress free.

I’d suggest that the W3Schools site is a great place to start with the HTML and CSS experimentation. This site has testing areas where you can change bits of code on one half of the screen, and it shows the results on the other. It really shows how the code changes can affect the look of a page and makes it easier to understand.

If you want to look at some books which are helpful, I’d seriously recommend the Dan Cederholm ‘Web Standards Solutions’ book (it’s just over a tenner on amazon marketplace) which has some good stuff, as well as Patrick Griffiths ‘HTML Dog:The Best-Practice Guide to XHTML and CSS which is about £15.