Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Manipulation of the Nation (or three old men...)

As usual, I'll start with an update on last weeks targets. I managed to complete the delivery requirements and competitive analysis, although after todays seminar groups some minor adjustments will have to be made. The image compression essay was also completed, after a massive amount of editing after going almost double the word count!

The most important thing I've realised this week, I think, is how much time is will actually take to write the full compliment of definitions for the A3 Webplan. It took me the entire afternoon on Monday morning to write the 10 definitions for the 'hardware' section. This has lead to me having to reconsider my time plan for the week, and I'm now doubting whether I'll be able to complete the content this week as indicated on my production schedule.

On a brighter note, we're now on to the image manipulation part of the A4 assignment. This is the same image as the current 2nd years had this time last year. As I've mentioned in previous posts, this is the part I've been looking forward to. Although much of the work is repetitive, and doesn't take a massive degree of skill, I still love using Photoshop and always get satisfaction out of an end product. Having two weeks to do this should mean that it can be does to as high a quality possible, although this kind of work is something that can never be quite perfect, and you could spend forever messing around with it.

This week we also had a short lecture on typography. This has confirmed a few things I wasn't sure about, and will enable me to use this knowledge when I get around to the screen designs for the A3 assignment, as well as for other future work. This followed on from a lecture on digital imaging, in which we were told about the differences between bitmap images and vector graphics. This again confirmed some things I wasn't entirely convinced about.

Over the next week, I plan to complete at least two more of the content sections, with the hope I can complete the final one next Monday afternoon. I had also planned to begin to have some ideas for the site structure diagram, but the time-consuming nature of the content means I might have postpone this until next week. Finally, I'm going to continue some work on the image restoration assignment.


Gary Benn said...

Ill be the first one to comment this week!

Glad your enjoying A4. It is more a relaxed part of the assignment with no writing to be done.

As for the A3, I don't see it as being critical That your made a mistake on your time planning. Is it not there to track your mistakes and learn from them? Considering it is the first time doing content I think the mistake is somewhat justified! Plus it will give you something to talk about in your evaluation - however if it goes in your evaluation there is no point just putting it in and forget it - set a target for next time in it AND STICK TO IT. not like your production schedule mind......... Im only kidding =)

Rebecca Bradley said...

Ive never done any thing like image restoring before. So I'm actually really enjoying this task. Is good to see that you are to and I think its really good that you can see how the image is really taking shape.

Greg Carrick said...

I’ve also realised how long it takes to write the content. I’m gland your enjoying the image restoration, I am too.

I know what you mean about getting satisfaction out of your Photoshop work. I’ve not really used Photoshop before, but I’m quite pleased with how the image restoration is going so far.

Webomatic said...

Hi Tom

I am also enjoying this new assignment, it’s a bit different from the rest seems to be more interactive and practical, however I find repairing this photo takes much work I did not think it would be as hard as it was. At the moment I am filling in 2 pixels at a time. If you need help on this project may I subject going to www.dasforum.co.uk and asking people on there they are very helpful and give plenty of tips.

Thanks, Martyn

Suzanne Hullah said...

Making mistakes on time planning is ok, it is a developmental working document, if you didn't make mistakes on it and correct yourself then there would be grounds for suspicion.

The content element of A3 has already had me stumped for time. Last week I began some of the content and planned myself a few hours aside for it. In the end I took about 8 hours and I'm still not completed!

Thomas Wealthy said...

It's good to see that you are keeping on top of our A3 assignment by completing the delivery requirements. It will help in the long run as you won’t become piled up in work.
I have also been writing up the content for the website with which I have been rather enjoying for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.