Saturday, 31 January 2009

Goals for my Portfolio

1. My portfolio will use standards compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1.
This is something that I'd do with all websites created, however it's so important that I consider it to be my primary goal. It's important to use these technologies to ensure my site is as accessible as possible, as well as being able to make my site available in different contexts, such as print/mobile. This is measurable through using the W3C's online validation services.

2. Meet level A of the W3C Accessibility Guidelines

Accessibility is an important issue in web design. I believe my portfolio is a key place to show potential employers/clients that I care about accessibility and think about it when creating websites. The W3C guidelines are a great way to assess what I've created and determine whether it's accessible or not. This is an easily measurable goal - a process of sitting down and checking my site against the guidelines one-by-one.

3. Achieve high results in Search Engines.
In order to get my name out there as much as I possibly can, it's important to be high up on search engines. Hopefully this will assist in potential employers seeing my site, as well as showing employers that I have an understanding of search engine optimisation, and how beneficial this is. To measure this, I can regularly check a number of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) to check where I am.

4. Create a portfolio that is easily updatable and flexible.
This is an important goal to ensure that I can amend my portfolio as needed for various situations. One job may require me to show different things than others. This will probably be done using a CMS in order to make updates easily. The only real way to measure this goal is to look at the site objectively and ask 'is this easily updatable?'.

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