I'm feeling really comfortable with the deadline at the moment. I feel that sticking rigidly to my production schedule from day 1 has again paid off, and leaves me feeling comfortable with what I have left to do. Specifically, I need to finish off my advert for The Wire magazine and complete my Merit and Distinction List and Evaluation.
I'm happy with the process of producing my ad so far, and feel quite comfortable with this. To be honest, my trial day today has put into perspective how common a task like this truly is. I had to design 3 adverts like this in 2 hours, and that was very generous timing. Put in a professional setting, stuff like this needs to be rolled out like it's nothing. I guess it makes me appreciate the time I have with college work to get things just as I want them.
In terms of the evaluation, I definitely feel comfortable with this. Evaluation is something that comes to me quite easily when I spend the time thinking about things. Although perhaps this hasn't always been portrayed through my blog, I feel my evaluation of each assignment has really aided my progression on the course so far, helping me target my weaknesses and carry on the development of my strengths.
I've now got together what I consider to be my final artwork proposal, and hopefully this will be what is included in my submission next week. I'm really pleased with the work I've produced for the CD artwork, so without further ado...
Digipak® Outer

Digipak Inner

CD Body

EDIT: I've now done my Advert for The Wire:

Hi Tom
I would like to say congratulations on getting the job I know you worked really hard on your portfolio getting feedback to improve it and such.
I like all your designs however I am not quite sure on the CD there looks to be different variants of gray, remember we are only aloud to use 4 pantone colours.
Thanks, Martyn
There are just 2 colours on the CD, Pantone Black U and the white. Nothing else... where do you mean, Martyn?
After you explained it through MSN i can see now that it is just 2 colours but when its at small size it looks like a different variation of colours.
Creates a sort of image trickery affect.
Thanks, Martyn
Congratulation Tom, you must have had a good pitch. Hopefully they will keep you busy so you don’t get teed off.
Glad to see you have completed everything other than the evaluation.
Although I love your logo and realise why you have used the colour version for the advert, what are your thought on trying it in black and white?
Hey Mark,
The reason for using the colour version is that I've used the black and white one a lot on the CD artwork, so wanted to get some use out of the colour version! I probably would look better in black and white but I think it's important to use the corporate colour when possible.
Busy Bee doesn't quite cut it, your a machine. Loving the designs, I beleive I saw the outer CD cover before. Its impressive, and the way you have incorprated the whole DJ elements in to your design is a brilliant idea.
Busy bee... where have I heard that before?
Congratulations on the Job Tom
After the hard work you have put in this unit you deserve it!
The new portfolio site looks great also.
Keep up these standards and you will have no problem!
First of all congratulations on the job, you deserve to get it with all the hard work you've put in lately.Plus it will finally put pay to my taunts about not working!
Your new addition of the poster works well with a good balance between text and image. However, I'm not sure about the positioning or possibly the size of the logo. Would it work better left aligned with the text which is currently above it?
I hate you, Im only kidding!
I'm so jealous you make it look too easy sometimes.
Nice idea with the Advert, I have gone fore something quite similar!
The only thing I will say is the copyright text on your CD Body is upside down and wrong way round!
Other than that really good!
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