Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Eh? Where'd the time go?

The past few weeks seem to have absolutely flown by. I can't believe that the deadline's next week. I think I feel more prepared for this deadline than for the past deadlines though, which is obviously a good thing.

Over the next week the main things I need to complete are the merit and distinction list and the evaluations- although I'll obviously only be able to start the A6 evaluation.

I feel as though my 'A5 - Builder' site is complete now- I've done quite a lot of messing about and feel as though any more would probably be pointless. I'm going to try to spice up the home page a bit, not sure how yet, but other than that it's pretty much done. There's just one small issue with IE, concerning a valign (vertical alignment) attribute for the navigation... it works in all other browsers but IE just won't align the navigation in the centre. Thanks Microsoft. See the site here.

Over the last week I managed to get some usability testing done with some of those lovely folks in the 50+ age group. Unfortunately, I only managed to find 5 people willing to complete the form. Whilst testing this was in some ways useful, it also didn't really show up any issues with my site... which could be good, but to me it just seemed as though those participating in the questionnaire were just giving the answers they thought I would want.

In terms of A6, I was again pleased with the results of this weeks timed task, 'Jonathan Gee' which I'll upload onto my portfolio site later tonight (26/2/08). I particularly like the header now, which came around after an idea from Steve to make the 'Jonathan' smaller, and I then decided to incorporate the two names into one rectangular shape. I found last weeks 'Newspaper Devices' lecture very useful in the designing of this week's task.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

'I touch myself too much!'

I suppose I should start off this week by explaining this weeks title. Or maybe I'll just leave you in suspense until a bit later...

All in all this week has been an interesting week. On Monday we had the usability tests for our A5 - 'Builder' websites. This proved quite useful in bringing up a couple of issues that have now been addressed. I'm feeling quite happy now with my 'Easy As Pie' website. I feel it's simple design and layout lends it to it's target audience of 'Silver Surfers'. Just a few bits of touching up to do over the next couple of weeks and it'll be complete. I also need to spend time reflecting on the results from the usability tests and how this may influence my final product.

During the building of the website I've been 'teased' a bit by CSS. Using it for defining text only has given me a preview of what it can do, and I'm looking forward to learning more about it in the coming months. As a play around, as well as a learning exercise, I spent a bit of my limited free time over half term building a test portolio site using CSS. Take a look and let me know what you think. Unless you're Gary, in which case I already know you don't like it!

Tuesday morning brought a lecture on Newspaper devices. Following this came our second timed task: a job advertisement for Vodafone, to be displayed in a Newspaper. As with the last task, I enjoyed the process of designing and producing the advertisement. It has to be said, the time was cut close at the end as I went to the very end trying to get the product finished to as good a standard as possible. I suppose while it could be said that cutting time close is a dangerous thing, it also allowed me to make full use of the time available to us. Maybe next time 2 minutes to deadline might be a bit close though!

In the afternoon we had our practice presentations in our seminar groups. This is where the 'touching' comes in. I know this from the last presentation, but when I'm stood in front of people talking, I tend to touch my face and shoulder. Quite a strange habit to have, but it's there nonetheless. Other than this, I thought the presentation went OK- just a few amendments needed, and a lot of practice to get it perfect for the final presentation. Over the next week, I'm also going to amend the handout as I'm still not happy with it's design.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

I remember when Half Term was a holiday...

Following the feedback I received last week about my site, I've spent this week implementing the feedback. This has meant a redesign of a few aspects of my site, which I feel has led to a massive improvement for the site. The updated site can be found here.

I'd appreciate any further feedback on the site, and obviously the sooner I receive this the better, as the usability testing obviously begins on Monday. The main thing I need to sort out now is linking the images to larger copies of each picture.

Over the last week I've had to change some of my ideas for the site, most noticeably reducing the number of Access Keys I'm using throughout my site. This has led me to deviate slightly from one of my target goals, which was "All links and form input fields will be accessible via the 'Access Key' function". Essentially, I can't complete this as it would end up with some Access Key shortcuts conflicting with the shortcuts for the browser. This actually ends up restricting accessibility rather than increasing it.

For A6, I've spent a lot of time the last week gaining more experience with InDesign. A friend of mine who works for the local church wanted me to design a postcard for him to advertise a gap year programme he runs. It turns out he's one of these clients who are never quite satisfied and always think that something else can be changed to improve a piece of work. I think next time he wants me to do something, I'm going to have to actually charge him... and do it by the hour! The positives of this, though, are that I'm feeling increasingly prepared for the other timed tasks that are coming up, as well as feeling as though I'm getting more proficient with InDesign, as well as other programmes I've been using, including Illustrator and Photoshop.

For the rest of this week I need to concentrate on practising my presentation, and also redesigning some aspects of my handout and presentation.

Despite the fact that it's half term, I've not managed to find much time to do college work yet. My dad got married last weekend, and I was best man, so that took up a lot of time. One of my good friends is getting married this weekend, and that's going to take up a lot of time. I'm really hoping I can find the time to complete all the work I need to get done for next week, without having to do any all-nighters. I'll let you know how that goes!

All in all, I'm really enjoying this semester so far. Having now settled into the course, I'm beginning to feel more comfortable with where the course is leading me to- and I feel very happy with where I now believe I am heading.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


Tuesday began with a timed task: 'Hokai'. We had to design a label for a small paint tube. I really enjoyed the task today, and was really pleased with the results. As the space we had to work with was very small (65mm x 45mm), it was quite a challenge to get all the information onto the label yet retain a legible font size. Like I said, I was really pleased with the final result of the task. I think the way I approached the task was much more efficient than for the last timed task, and my time management was better for the limited time we had.

The rest of the day involved further work on the presentation and handout. I'm not feeling the look of my handout at the moment, so might have to revisit the design process. It all seems a little squashed at the moment. Other than this, I feel the preparation of my presentation is going well, and I should be prepared well in time for the practice presentation just after half term. One issue I'm having is balance of how much information I should have on my slides in relation to the amount on my handout. I'm going to have to sit down at some point, and think about what I can omit from my slides in order to make them communicate my points more effectively.

On Monday I got some feedback from Steve and John about my site. This brought a lot of issues to light, which were reinforced by the thread on Das Forum. Over half term I'm going to spend a bit (or a lot as the case may be) of time implementing the feedback I have recieved, some aspects being minor, some being much more major. I'm actually really grateful for the feedback, as I've found myself agreeing with a lot of what's been said. Although my site did take a lot of criticism, I see this as being a valuable stage in the overall process of creating a better site.

I'm looking forward to implementing the feedback I've recieved, as although it could be seen as a hassle to have to change things on the site, I really enjoyed building it, and therefore I should enjoy changing aspects of it. Hopefully!