Saturday, 31 January 2009

Goals for my Portfolio

1. My portfolio will use standards compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1.
This is something that I'd do with all websites created, however it's so important that I consider it to be my primary goal. It's important to use these technologies to ensure my site is as accessible as possible, as well as being able to make my site available in different contexts, such as print/mobile. This is measurable through using the W3C's online validation services.

2. Meet level A of the W3C Accessibility Guidelines

Accessibility is an important issue in web design. I believe my portfolio is a key place to show potential employers/clients that I care about accessibility and think about it when creating websites. The W3C guidelines are a great way to assess what I've created and determine whether it's accessible or not. This is an easily measurable goal - a process of sitting down and checking my site against the guidelines one-by-one.

3. Achieve high results in Search Engines.
In order to get my name out there as much as I possibly can, it's important to be high up on search engines. Hopefully this will assist in potential employers seeing my site, as well as showing employers that I have an understanding of search engine optimisation, and how beneficial this is. To measure this, I can regularly check a number of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) to check where I am.

4. Create a portfolio that is easily updatable and flexible.
This is an important goal to ensure that I can amend my portfolio as needed for various situations. One job may require me to show different things than others. This will probably be done using a CMS in order to make updates easily. The only real way to measure this goal is to look at the site objectively and ask 'is this easily updatable?'.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

The Final Semester

Well, it's hard to believe, but we have now reached the final semester of the course. This, of course, means it's time to start thinking about what's next in life. An important part of this is also considering what I want from the last semester in order to maximise my employability.

I believe one of the most important aspects of the next few months is the SMLP (Self Managed Learning Plan). I have chosen to learn PHP during this, as I feel this is the skill I most need at this stage to increase my employability. In some ways, I'm feeling slightly nervous about having to teach myself something and structuring it myself. However, I feel I've identified some pretty good resources to help me with this so I should be fine. I also appreciate the importance of learning PHP in the long term so it's going to be worth ay extra effort I have to put in to get it right.

I feel another major aspect of the coming semester is the creation of my portfolio. This is very important in encouraging future employment. I have mixed feelings about the process of doing this. Whilst I'm looking forward to having a more professional way of displaying my work, I'm fairly sure it's going to be something I struggle to get 'just right'. The fact that this is going to be the primary way of showing my college work is going to bring out the perfectionist within me.

I believe another key aspect of the coming semester is the final presentation. This will be an opportunity for me to assess what I've done over the past 2 years - where I came from, where I am now, what I've learnt, and what I haven't. It will also be a good way to further my presentation skills and experience of speaking in front of people.

Over the final semester I'm fairly sure the pressure of having a part-time job as well as ongoing college work may become more apparent. As such, I'm beginning to consider which other commitments I currently have can be sacrificed for a short time in order to maximise what I can get out of the time I have left on the course. I feel that college work needs to be put first for a few months, so I can fully appreciate the time and opportunity I have to further my knowledge.

In terms of employability, I feel I'm getting to a stage where I'd be comfortable putting myself out there for a variety of jobs. PHP is obviously what I've identified as a weak point in my knowledge, but on the whole I feel my skills for employment are almost there - a few tweaks here and there over the coming months and I believe I'll be confident enough. Working part time recently has definitely aided me in this, giving me a range of experience and opening my eyes to weaknesses I can try to combat over the next semester.

Word Count: 498

Sunday, 11 January 2009

My SMLP Resources

I have identified a number of resources to aid me in learning PHP during the upcoming Self-Managed Learning Plan:

1. PHP for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart Guides)
A book for beginning and intermediate users with step-by-step instructions to teach the programming language.

2. Programming PHP
A book covering PHP essentials, basic web techniques, and an introduction to database access. Again, this book goes step-by-step through the language.

3. SAMs Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours
24 one hour lessons in PHP. This book is a "quick and easy way to learn how to create interactive websites for your end user."

4. PHP Tutorial

An introduction to the basics of PHP. Probably one of the first places I'll look whilst waiting for my delivery from

5. PHP Tutorial
As with most things web-related, W3 Schools have a nice introductory tutorial. Whilst these are not always in-depth, they often provide a nice starting point.

6. Tutorialized
A large collection of links to many a tutorial on various sites. Quite a good resource, even if it does spell 'Tutorialised' with a 'z'.

7. PHP Freaks
PHP Freaks is a website with a few tutorials, as well as a large community. I'll use this to ask any questions I need answering (or as a database of ready-asked questions!)

8. Developer Tutorials
A collection of tutorials and articles to help those learning PHP.

9. Pixel2Life
A collection of PHP tutorials to assist in learning and show various 'how tos'.

10. The PHP Website
Probably the definitive resource for PHP knowledge - includes introductory information as well as the PHP manual.